To delete the registry key using PowerShell, we can use the Remove-Item command. Remove-Item command removes the registry key from the path specified. For example, we have the registry key name NodeSoftware stored at the path HKLM, under the Software key.
How Do I delete registry key in Powershell
The second command uses Remove-ItemProperty to remove the "Options" registry value, and its data,from the "MyApp" subkey. Because Path is required, the command uses a dot (.) to indicate thecurrent location. The Confirm parameter requests a user prompt before deleting the value.
The command uses the Get-Item cmdlet to get an item that represents the registry key.It uses a pipeline operator () to send the object to Remove-ItemProperty.Then, it uses the Name parameter of Remove-ItemProperty to specify the name of the registryvalue.
Therefore, before you make any changes to the registry, you should be 100% sure of what you are changing, have current backups of your system and data, and track all the changes you make. Netwrix Auditor for Windows Server can help; it tracks, reports on and alerts on changes to the Windows registry.
Because registry keys are items on PowerShell drives, working with them is very similar to workingwith files and folders. One critical difference is that every item on a registry-based PowerShelldrive is a container, just like a folder on a file system drive. However, registry entries and theirassociated values are properties of the items, not distinct items.
You can show all items directly within a registry key using Get-ChildItem. Add the optionalForce parameter to display hidden or system items. For example, this command displays the itemsdirectly within PowerShell drive HKCU:, which corresponds to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registryhive:
You can also specify this registry path by specifying the registry provider's name, followed by::. The registry provider's full name is Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry, but this can beshortened to just Registry. Any of the following commands will list the contents directly underHKCU:.
These commands list only the directly contained items, much like using DIR in cmd.exe or lsin a UNIX shell. To show contained items, you need to specify the Recurse parameter. To list allregistry keys in HKCU:, use the following command.
If you examine this new key in the registry editor or using Get-ChildItem, you notice that youdon't have copies of the contained subkeys in the new location. In order to copy all of the contentsof a container, you need to specify the Recurse parameter. To make the preceding copy commandrecursive, you would use this command:
Creating new keys in the registry is simpler than creating a new item in a file system. Because allregistry keys are containers, you don't need to specify the item type. Just provide an explicitpath, such as:
You can remove contained items using Remove-Item, but you will be prompted to confirm the removalif the item contains anything else. For example, if we attempt to delete the HKCU:\CurrentVersionsubkey we created, we see this:
The original poster clarifies the question by indicating that they want the tree deleted, but not the actual root key of the tree. As such, this is not quite an answer because it will delete the entire tree, including the root. Nevertheless, because when searching for an answer to the questions title, this shows up high in the search results, I felt it was helpful to post this answer.
I have an application which was not properly uninstalled on few servers. To install an upgraded version of this application i need to delete the below registry keys of previous versions residing in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products
How do i delete this registry keys using PowerShell. For example i have the folder 11111111111111111111 under Products. i want to delete this folder 11111111111111111111 and all subfolders inside it. experts help me with the syntax.
This should help to get started with the PowerShell script -us/powershell/module/
Working with the registry in PowerShell is similar to working with common files on a local disk. The main difference is that in this concept the registry keys are analogous to files, and the registry parameters are the properties of these files.
Registry parameters should be considered as properties of the registry key (similar to file/folder properties). The xxx-ItemProperty cmdlets are used to manage registry parameters:
You can navigate to the specific registry key (for example, to the one responsible for the settings of automatic driver updates) using one of two commands:(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();
PowerShell allows you to access the registry of a remote computer. You can connect to a remote computer either using WinRM (Invoke-Command or Enter-PSSession). To get the value of a registry parameter from a remote computer:
The second command uses Remove-ItemProperty to remove the Options registry value, and its data, from the MyApp subkey. Because Path is required, the command uses a dot (.) to indicate the current location. It uses Name to specify which registry value to delete. It uses the Confirm parameter to request a user prompt before deleting the value.
The command uses the Get-Item cmdlet to get an item that represents the registry key. It uses a pipeline operator () to send the object to Remove-ItemProperty . Then, it uses the Name parameter of Remove-ItemProperty to specify the name of the registry value.
PowerShell is presenting registry values (and their registry data) as an array in $\_.Property in their parent registry key. How do I select and delete only the registry values where the value is like \*String\* ?
I have tried searching high and low on StackOverflow and on Google trying many combinations that involve Get-Item, Get-ItemProperty, Get-ChildItem, Select-Object (including -ExpandProperty parameter), and Where-Object to select the registry values that I want (prior to moving on to incorporating deletion). I am now at a point where I am entirely clueless and unable to figure out how to simply find registry values like \*Text\* existing at a particular registry key and delete them. Something so simple seems so difficult! I do not know how to work with data in arrays!
Every registry value is being listed as part of an array under $\_.Property for registry key HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs. I was expecting results where I could do something roughly like $\_.RegistryValue -Like '\*Text\*' Remove-Item to delete the registry values matching \*Text\*.
A "registry value" is an entry of any type such as REG\_SZ, REG\_DWORD, REG\_MZ, and so on. A registry value contains "registry data", and depending on the registry type, it may be a string, an 32-bit value (sometimes expressed as either 1, 0, or 0x000000, 0x000001).
We often refer to "registry values" as 'registry keys' (which is incorrect technical usage) and the "registry data" as 'registry values' (also incorrect technical usage), and "registry keys" as folders/location/"this place in the registry".
[1] Get-ItemProperty -Path $keyPath -Name *Text* technically works too, but the output is a single object of type [pscustomobject], whose properties you have to enumerate via reflection, because the property names reflect the matching value names; while doing so via as shown in this answer works and allows you to filter by data too, the pitfall is that PowerShell's registry provider automatically adds its own properties to the collection of properties, namely PSPath, PsParentPath, PSChildName, PSDrive, PSProvider, which means that a wildcard expression that filters by name can accidentally include them or, worse, if values by the same name happen to exist on the key (even though unlikely), the provider properties overrides them.
The security identifier (SID) for a user.Specifying this parameter will convert a HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key to the HKEY_USERS$SID format.Specify this parameter from the Invoke-HKCURegistrySettingsForAllUsers function to read/edit HKCU registry settings for all users on the system.
IMPORTANT: This article contains information about modifying the registry. Before you modify the registry, make sure to back it up and make sure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.The following steps remove only the registry entries related to a program as it appears in the Add/Remove Programs tool. To completely uninstall a program that was not completely removed by clicking the Change/Remove button in the Add/Remove Programs tool, you need to clean up the physical directory structure on disk and in the registry also. Use extreme caution when you perform either of these tasks.To remove a program reference viewable in the Add/Remove Programs tool:
Locate the key to be deleted by locating the key name created by the program. If the name of the key is not apparent, browse through each key and note the value for DisplayName. This is the viewable string in the Add/Remove Programs tool.
You may have to contact the manufacturer of the program you want to remove if you need to clean up the disk and registry entries. The above procedure does not remove all the files and registry entries used by the program, it removes only the reference in the Add/Remove Programs tool. 2ff7e9595c